Collection: Electronics

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Electric start diesel generator, 6.5kw, avr, 230/400v
1.940,90€1.940,90€ 6.362,90€/The BLACK diesel generator is equipped with a powerful and efficient 418 cm³ engine, providing a maximum power of 6.5 kW. Diesel generators are known for...
Only 2 pcs left
Inverter generator, 5500w, ivr 16/32a
1.276,90€1.276,90€ 4.186,90€/Inverter generator BLACK is an excellent solution to the problem of lack of power in outdoor conditions. Ideal for use in cottages, campsites and open areas...
Only 2 pcs left
Electric start generator, 7500w, avr, 230/400v
1.021,90€1.021,90€ 3.348,90€/Generator BLACK is an excellent solution to the problem of lack of power in outdoor conditions. Ideal for use in cottages, campsites and open areas for...
Only 6 pcs left
Inverter generator, 230v, 3400w
842,90€842,90€ 2.762,90€/This 3400W inverter generator is an efficient device for generating electricity by providing pure sine wave current. Ideal for emergency power at home, office, vehicles, RVs,...
Only 10 pcs leftCOURIER_ONLY
Inverter generator, 230v, 2000w
610,90€610,90€ 1.999,90€/The 2000W inverter generator is an efficient device for generating electricity, ideal for situations where there is no access to the electricity grid. It is ideal...
Only 2 pcs left
Electric start generator, 3000w, avr, 230/400v
485,90€485,90€ 1.590,90€/Generator BLACK is an excellent solution to the problem of lack of power in outdoor conditions. Ideal for use in cottages, campsites and open areas for...
Only 1 pcs left
Generator with electric start, 3000w, avr
459,90€459,90€ 1.507,90€/Generator BLACK is an excellent solution to the problem of lack of power in outdoor conditions. Ideal for use in cottages, campsites and open areas for...
23in stock
Drilling machine 2750w - table drilling machine with 16mm chuck
449,90€449,90€ 1.479,90€/The 2750W drill press is an indispensable tool in any workshop, offering precision and power when drilling both steel and wood. Its 12-step speed adjustment from...
Only 8 pcs left
Inverter generator, 1000w
437,90€437,90€ 1.435,90€/Inverter generator BLACK is an excellent solution to the problem of lack of power in outdoor conditions. Ideal for use in cottages, campsites and open areas...
Only 2 pcs left
Plasmalõikur sisseehitatud kompressoriga - lõikur-50 230v
414,90€414,90€ 1.360,00€/Boxer'i kvaliteetne plasmalõikur, millel on sisseehitatud kompressor, on mõeldud terase, alumiiniumi ja vase lehtede ning elementide õhkplasma lõikamiseks. See võimas seade pakub mitmeid funktsioone ja omadusi,...
Only 2 pcs left
Inverter welding machine lcd mma/mig/mag 250a
373,90€373,90€ 1.225,90€/BLACK 37417 is an inverter welding machine based on efficient IGBT transistors. The device is equipped with an LCD screen that shows the welding current, which...
Only 4 pcs left1 aku kõigile tööriistadele
Megakomplekt 4in1 akutööriistade komplekt
265,90€265,90€ 870,90€/MEGA AKUTÖÖRIISTADE KOMPLEKT on ideaalne lahendus nii professionaalidele kui ka kodukasutajatele, kes otsivad võimsaid ja mitmekülgseid tööriistu. Komplekt sisaldab akutoitega nurklihvmasinat, löökmutrikeerajat, puurvasarat, kruvikeerajat ja vajalikke...
Only 1 pcs left
Plasmalõikur cut50
239,90€239,90€ 599,90€/Plasmalõikur CUT50 37420 Plasmalõikur CUT50 on mõeldud käsitsi õhuplasmalõikuseks, elektrit juhtivate elementide lõikamiseks, mis on valmistatud süsinik- ja legeerterasest, alumiiniumist ja selle sulamitest, messingist, vasest ning...
Only 7 pcs left
Welding machine mig/mag mma flux tig lift 250a
229,90€229,90€ 753,90€/The BLACK 37426 is a versatile 4-in-1 welding machine that supports various welding methods including FLUX, MIG/MAG, MMA and TIG LIFT. The device is equipped with...